The First Flower Burst of the Year
I realized today that IT IS SUMMER OH MY GOOOOSH!!! Because of this I took my camera and went to take pictures of my beautiful town. This is the first post filled with flower pictures this year, but there will probably be so many more.
Memorial Day and Senior Pictures
Yesterday (Monday) I didn't have school, because it was Memorial Day. It is an old holiday when you remember all the war veterans. We went to my host mom's father's, who fought in WWII, grave.
In the U.S. students usually go take senior pictures at the end of their junior year. Even though I won't be here next year, I wanted to take the pictures, and yesterday Lacy and I went outside to take them because the weather was absolutely lovely.
And of course I have to show you the bloopers. They're perdy funny.
School will end in three weeks, and my return to Finland is getting nearer. I can't really explain my thoughts... at times I'm super excited about going home, and then again I'm sad about saying goodbye to my host family and friends. But it'll be fine. Lacy put my thoughts into words so perfectly when I was talking to her about this the other day: I'm happy to go home, but I'm sad to leave. My life is waiting for me in Finland, my friends and family and studies, all my hobbies and whatnot! And I can always come back and visit, I'm planning for so many trips already.
What I've Been Up To Lately
Oon ollut siis aika kiireinen viime aikoina! En voi uskoa, että oon menossa kotiin alle kuuden viikon päästä... jotenkin oon onnellinen kotiin lähdöstä, tai siis, onhan mulla on jo perhettä ja kavereita ikävä, mutta en vois sanoo, että ois helppoo jättä hostit ja kaikki amerikkalaiset ysätävät tänne. Varsinkin Toran voisin ottaa mukaan, se on niin mun paras ystävä ja en ees voi sanoo että miten pahalta tulee tuntumaan kun joudutaan sanomaan heipat.
Lately I've been so busy that I just have not had any time to spare for this blog at all. Mostly it's because of tennis, but I've also hanged out with my friends a lot. This is my first night without any plans in a while! I actually feel like this is the way it's supposed to be - it'd be super sad if I was staring at the computer screen the whole year.
I've been hanging out with Katy a lot. One day tennis was cancelled because of rain so I went to Tammy's to just talk to Katy. We went on a fourwheeler ride with Tasha, swung on the rope swing, petted the cows and what not! On Saturday we went to hang out in Colville, play tennis, and we went to the park where we talked for like two hours about everything. That night we ate marsh mellows and drank coco.
A week ago Tora, Chris, Brock, David, Weston, Aerin, and I went to Spokane right after school to Sky High. It was basically a place filled with trampolines! I'm not very good at jumping on trampolines, but it was still super fun! After that we went to a mall and to the movies. We saw the new Captain America movie, which was quite enjoyable, even though I literally had no idea what was going on.
I've had four tennis matches this week. I lost every one of them, but my coach says I'm getting better. On Thursday we left 8 AM to Spokane, where we played against Clarkston in West Valley. After that we went to Pullman, where we had another math. It was so hot, the Sun was burning everyone! That's why I put on sunscreen every two minutes. My arms burned a little, but other than that I was fine. Thursday was a long day, I came home at 11 PM and almost fell asleep on Friday's classes. Next week is our last two matches, and then tennis will be done. I'm hoping I'll win one more match! I'm going to miss tennis so much, too.
So, I've been really busy lately! I can't believe that I'm going home in under six weeks... I've been pretty happy about leaving, I mean, I miss my family and my friends, but I can't say that it'll be easy to leave my friends in America. Especially Tora, I'm going to miss her so much! She's my best friend and I can't even imagine what it'll be like to say goodbye to her.
Easter Time
Me mentiin pääsiäiskirkkoon puolilta päivin, ja se oli oikeastaan samanlainen kuin kaikki kirkkosunnuntait, tosin laulut oli pääsiäisestä ja kaikki puheet liittyi myös pääsiäiseen. Kirkko oli siis ihan samanlainen kuin aina ennenkin: juttelin kavereiden kanssa ja yritin kaikin voimin ymmärtää mistä ihmiset puhuu (okei, en oo siis hirveen hyvä tässä, vaan aika usein huomaan että ajatukset ajalehtii muualla, koska vaikka mä ymmärtäisin Mormonin kirjan yms. kaikki sanat, en vaan osaa yhdistää niitä järkevästi).