Whitley ja Bryson menivät naimisiin lauantaina, mutta häitä juhlittiin perjantaina, mikä oli mun mielestä vähän erikoista. Lauantaina istuin tunnin lasten kanssa kirkon puolella, koska mä en voi mennä temppeliin, kuten ei myöskään mun hostsisarukset ja niiden serkut. Siinä sai touhuta vauvojen kanssa, joten se meni aika nopeesti!
Wedding Daze
This weekend I was at my host family's relative Whitley and her fiance Bryson's wedding! The wedding ceremony was in Tri-Cities, and the wedding reception was in Oregon, about two hours away from Tri-Cities. This was my first wedding, not including the weddings I've bee to when I was a baby.
Idahossa on huvipuisto nimeltään Silverwood, joka järjestää Halloweenin aikaan Scarywoodin, jossa siis tyypit jahtaa sua moottorisahojen kanssa ja muuta mukavaa.
Ennen Scarywoodia menin Bradleyn kyydillä Spokaneen hieman shoppailemaan. Matka oli tosi mukava, ja Spokanessa on aina hauska käydä.
Scarywoodin laitteiden jonot oli jotain täysin naurettavaa. Sen neljän tunnin aikana, mitä koko huvipuistossa vietettiin pääsin yhteen kummitustaloon ja kahteen muuhun laitteeseen. Pari tuttua odotti 1,5 tuntia, että pääsisivät yhteen laitteeseen, mutteivat lopulta päässeetkään siihen, sillä joku oli oksentanut sinne. Mulla oli kuitenkin kivaa, vaikka tuntu että rahat meni tuossa hommassa hukkaan... pari kertaa pelästyin kyllä ihan kunnolla, haha!
In Idaho there's an amusement park called Silverwood and during Halloween they do something called Scarywood where there's all kind of crazy guys chase you with chain saws and all that fun stuff.

In Idaho there's an amusement park called Silverwood and during Halloween they do something called Scarywood where there's all kind of crazy guys chase you with chain saws and all that fun stuff.
Before Scarywood I went to Spokane to shop a little. It was fun, I love going to Spokane!
The lines in Scarywood were something ridiculous... In the four hours that we spent there I went to one scary hoes and two other rides! A couple of people I know waited for 1.5 hours to get to a ride, but they never got in it because someone had vomited on it. But I did have a good time anyway, even though I kind of felt like it was a waste of money... I did get scared a few times though, haha!
My New Danish Best Friend
Again another awesome day in America experienced! I couple of years ago there was a Danish exchange student, Simone, in Colville, and she is visiting her host family for this week. She, Lacy and I and also a couple of other Lacy's friends (Bradley, Coryn and Andy) went to hang out.
Professional Movie Makers
We had a change to get some extra credit in my Novels class by making something about the book that we were reading (Lord of the Flies), so Lacy, Caleb, Elijah, Coryn and I went to shoot a movie trailer on Saturday to a beach. It was fun, even though in the end the trailer made no sense at all...
What a Wonderful Weekend
Mulla oli aivan mahtava viikonloppu, ja viikko muutenkin! Hauskaa on ollut, ja en voi sanoa katuvani vaihtoonlähtöä ollenkaan.
Keskiviikkona menin hostäidin, -siskon ja -veljen kanssa Spokaneen. Se oli aivan mahtava päivä, sain Costcon pitsaa ja kaikkea kivaa.
Me ollaan valmistauduttu Halloweenin, joitain halloweenkoristeita on jo laitettu ympäri taloa. Oon melko innoissani halloweenin takia!
Perjantaina oli leffailta kavereiden (minä, Lacy, Malia, Tora, Katy, Chris) kanssa, ja katsottiin joku aasialainen komedia jaliksesta. Se oli melko hauska, ja ilta oli tosi kiva myöskin.
Lauantaina mentiin koulun karnevaaliin. Mä työskentelin yhdessä kojussa ja otin kuvia - toisin sanoen vain seisoskelin siellä, ja annoin muiden hoitaa hommat, haha!
Loppuun vielä kuvia mun ja Aubreyn kuvaussessioista eiliseltä.
I had such a wonderful weekend, and a week! I've had a lot of fun, and I can't say that I would regret doing exchange at all.

Sain tällä viikolla tietää mun tähänastiset arvosanat koulusta, ja mulla menee aika hyvin (US History: A, Spanish: A, World Studies: A-, Multimedia: A, Novels: A- ja Algebra II: C). Matikkaa en nyt kamalasti jaksa surra!
I had such a wonderful weekend, and a week! I've had a lot of fun, and I can't say that I would regret doing exchange at all.
On Wednesday my hostmom, hostbrother, hostmom and I went to Spokane. It was an awesome day, I got Costco pizza and everything wonferful!
This week I got my grades on my classes so far, and I'm doing pretty good (US History: A, Spanish: A, World Studies: A-, Multimedia: A, Novels: A-, Algebra II: C). I'm not worrying too much about math though!
We're getting ready for Halloween! We've made some halloween decorations and put them around the house. I'm pretty excited about Halloween!
On Friday we had a movie night with friends (Lacy, Malia, Tora, Katie, Chris and I) and we watched an Asian comedy about soccer. It was pretty funny, and the night was great, too!
And now some pictures from the photoshoot session Audrey and I had yesterday!
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